I promised my client in Edmonton that Mother Nature would do some amazing things with this glass and was thrilled to receive these photos today. This room faces west so this is the effect of the morning sun City lights can have an interesting effect on clear glass. Any exterior light source - street lights, commercial signs, passing vehicles - can be captured and diffused in the glass. These day and night shots of the same privacy screen are a good example of the character of the pieces I design and build.
I have a habit of keeping things in the windows of my workshop to give me inspiration for 'what's next?'. The camera lens piece still feels like it needs one or two more pieces and, frankly, I am just enjoying the visual challenge that this piece offers, with ever-changing scenery and images both as I move it from place to place and as the angle of sight and proximity change. The glass tucked behind it is going to be used for my next commission and I as I finish the commission that is on my table, the next one is taking shape in my head. As the skies darkened yesterday near the end of the afternoon, I was struck by how this glass reflects the fall colours we are enjoying this week. The fall leaves pictures were taken on Sunday at Galerie Old Chelsea - nature mimics art or art mimics nature?
This is the newest addition to my Heritage Series with lots of crystal wine glass bases, a few glass bases and a candlestick holder - it is called Celebration. This will be heading to Galerie Old Chelsa in the next few weeks. It feels good to be back in my workshop, catching up on a couple of commissions before I start on the list of pieces just waiting to be created!
Disassembly of camera lenses can offer multiple challenges. When I have exhausted all other conceivable access or options, I get out the Dremmel - it does much more than provide a diamond tip to sign my glass pieces....Step one - choose a warm and sunny day because this work has to be done outside. Step 2 - select clothing that covers to the wrist and the ankles, add eye protection and a dust mask, as much fine, metal dust will be created. Cutting through two exterior bands allowed me to unscrew and release two pieces. This is the first lens I have encountered that has had solid brass casings, including solid brass with chrome coating surrounding the outside lens. As I worked my way towards the center, I cut through more solid metal and found one small screw blocking access to the next level. Then, I had to drill through the solid brass/chrome outer ring and leverage out the the ring protecting access to the lens....more cutting and nearly there BUT I was bamboozled by one tiny screw. The screw holds in place the ring that needs to be removed before the top lens can be released. The slot on the screw is so fine that even my tiny technical screwdrivers will not fit into the slot! So close, but it will have to wait for another day..
I lover it when Mother Nature works her magic with my stained glass pieces. The sun shining through coloured glass often casts shapes and colours onto the floor or furniture which move as the angle of the sun changes. What is amazing about 'Blue, Blue, A Magnificient View' is that, when the late afternoon sun poured into the room, it cast a blue glow throughout the whole room (which is NOT blue) and into the hallway. Bonus!
Wow - it has been a very busy summer. A little office work, a trip to Edmonton, and a trip to Scotland, and suddenly summer is over. I stepped back into my workshop today for the first time in weeks and have some exciting projects lined up for the next few weeks. In the meantime, these pictures show a few recent sales from the Galerie Old Chelsea. Watch this space!
May 2024
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