The longer days and the glorious sunshine have really put me in the mood for spring! First, I made 'Feels Like Sunshine', the 26 cm or 10.5 inch circular panel with the tulips. Today I finished 'Past Perfect'. This piece includes a wide selection of camera lenses, each of which had suffered some damaged in the process of removing them from the bayonet. Some had small chips at one edge which others had small notches on the outer edges from over ambitious use of the dremmel or a hacksaw. To my absolute delight, none of the lenses cracked or fractured and the final effect will draw the eye to the multiple perspectives this piece offers of the simple scene outside the window.
Oh my! Where does the time go? I accepted an office project in October that was supposed to take 5-10 working days. That project turned into to four days a week for December and January and was immediately followed by another project that was three days a week, and just finished last Friday. Add to that a trip to Halifax to celebrate my Mom's 87th birthday where I caught a nasty cold, and I am officially in catch-up mode.
The longer days and the glorious sunshine have really put me in the mood for spring! First, I made 'Feels Like Sunshine', the 26 cm or 10.5 inch circular panel with the tulips. Today I finished 'Past Perfect'. This piece includes a wide selection of camera lenses, each of which had suffered some damaged in the process of removing them from the bayonet. Some had small chips at one edge which others had small notches on the outer edges from over ambitious use of the dremmel or a hacksaw. To my absolute delight, none of the lenses cracked or fractured and the final effect will draw the eye to the multiple perspectives this piece offers of the simple scene outside the window.
May 2024
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