There are now a series of five panels which will be hung at Galerie Old Chelsea on Thursday. I did finally convince the 6 mm thick glass to cooperate to create one small panel. These were a lot of fun to create. I would love to hear your comments!
Galerie Old Chelsea is holding a Group Exhibition called 'The Wonders of Winter' from January 28 to February 13. I decided to use art glass to convey the energy of the Northern Lights with an igloo in the foreground to reflect our Northern heritage. Cutting deep arcs into glass can be done carefully, using a time-honored tradition of making many small cuts. My first attempt was with some very exotic semi-antique flash glass that was 6 mm thick. The first design just did not work. I tried to use the remaining piece for a second design, but the glass did not break where I suggested and it was time to re-think. I did succeed with my third attempt. Then I was on a roll. Happy New Year! It is certainly off to an interesting start...Regaining the strength and movement in my arm and shoulder means I can now tackle larger pieces. It has been a long time since I have worked with heritage glass and I was quickly reminded of how unpredictable the pieces can be.
While extreme heat is used to create each piece of glass and then to flatten it in a kiln, the sudden temperature changes created in the soldering process can result in unexpected heat cracks. Yesterday as the first round of soldering was completed, two heat cracks appeared in the fan. Today during the touch-ups, two additional cracks appeared in the green flower! Reinforcing techniques hold the pieces securely in place now and for the life of the piece. I generally don't name pieces before they are finished but had considering calling it Matinee Idol. The name is now 'Dress Rehearsal' which reflects the purpose of the dress rehearsal, which is to identify the flaws so they can be corrected on opening night. Glass offers no second chances. The only decision left is whether to use the triangle stand for this piece or the flat stand that lets the fan dominate the piece. What would your preference be? |
May 2024
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